Uniken received the 2022 Excellent ESG Partner certification from SK Innovation


Uniken received the 2022 Excellent ESG Partner certification from SK Innovation on July 25. 

Only 23 companies were selected out of thousands of partners. Nominations came from the in-depth ESG risk evaluation on the parters of SK Innovation and its subsidiaries in 2021. Uniken's Onsan factory received an 'excellent' grade. 

Veolia has been fully committed to providing specialized waste management services to its industrial sites and supporting its environmental performance. 

It is truly an honor to be chosen for the awards. Veolia will continue to support our customers in their trajectories for decarbonization and ecological transformation. 


유니큰과 베올리아 코리아가 SK이노베이션으로부터 2022년 ESG 우수협력사 인증을 수상하며 지속가능성과 환경 관리 성과를 인정받음.