PlastiLoop Hwaseong's Recycled Plastic Contributes to OWE-POT Red Dot Design Award

PlastiLoop Hwaseong r-PP로 만든 OWE-POT, Red Dot Award 수상. ESG, 순환경제와 지속가능성을 실현.

We are thrilled to congratulate OWEProject Inc. for winning the prestigious Red Dot Design Award for their innovative flower pot, OWE-POT, crafted from recycled plastic produced by PlastiLoop Hwaseong(Doksan/DSPL).

OWE-POT stands out with its ingenious design, featuring a sophisticated circulation and drainage system that ensures optimal plant growth. By upcycling and blending recycled polypropylene (r-PP), OWE Project Inc. has created an aesthetically pleasing product that embodies our shared commitment to sustainability and the circular economy.