MagnaChip Water Treatment

Veolia's Innovative Operations
베올리아의 구미 매그나칩 반도체 공장 폐수 처리 시설, 지속 가능한 수자원 관리를 보장하는 첨단 정수 시스템.

Veolia’s Long-Term Partnership with MagnaChip for Water Management

MagnaChip, which acquired non-memory operations from SK hynix in 2004, entrusted Veolia with the supply of UPW (ultra pure water) and wastewater treatment at its semiconductor production plant in Gumi for 10 years. The contract was effective from July 2018. Veolia has operated and maintained the same facility since 2001.  

In November 2022, Veolia signed a 5-year BOT contract with Magnachip for additional UPW supply, which will be effective from March 2023. Upselling of this contract was based on our team's continuous efforts and initiatives to improve the client's sustainability goals while still ensuring cost optimization and stable operation. 


Gumi, Gyeongsangbuk-do

Start of operation

July 2018

Scope of service 

Ultra pure water, wastewater treatment

Treatment capacity


UPW: 4,704

WW treatment: 9,130